Cat Owner’s Guide to the Basics of Cat Communication
Ever wondered what your cat is trying to tell you?
Feline communication is a complex language that goes way beyond vocalizations. It includes body language, scent marking, touch, and more.
Learning the subtleties of your cat’s communications can allow you to connect with your cat and deepen the bond you share.
Vocalizations: What’s Your Cat Saying?
Cats have quite the repertoire when it comes to vocalizations, and each sound has its own set of nuances.
While we often think of meowing as a one-size-fits-all sound, cats actually adjust their pitch, length, and volume to convey everything from a friendly greeting to an urgent plea for attention.

Different types of cat vocalizations
Meows are of course the most common sounds you’ll hear from your cat. Interestingly, they appear to be reserved mostly for communicating with humans, not other cats.
You will probably recognize differences in your cat’s meows – variation in tone and length – in different situations.
Meows can be:
- Greetings
- Requests
- Demands
- Complaints or Protest
- Calls of Distress
Purring usually means contentment, but can also paradoxically indicate pain or fear, so it’s important to consider the context.
Hissing is a clear sign of fear or aggression that says, “Back off!” Cats will do this with each other, as well as with humans and other animals when feeling threatened.
Chirps and trills, which are usually directed at kittens or you, especially when your cat is in a particularly chatty or playful mood.
My favorite is the trill combined with a meow – the “purr-meow.” This is usually an expression of friendliness, greeting, or affection.
All three of my cats frequently use this utterance to greet me; the most common example is whenever they jump up to my lap or my desk to interact. I think of it as a vocalized purr-burst – it’s like they’re saying “Oh hi!”
Yowling is often associated with mating behaviors, territorial disputes, and hunting. In my house, Bean is the one who most often yowls as part of her hunting ritual as she’s proudly carrying her favorite toy around in her mouth.
Finally, growling is an eerie and ominous sound, low pitched and drawn out. It is often present in the same circumstances as hissing. It signals aggression, hostility, and possible attack.
Cats are masters at concealing their thoughts, and are even better at hiding their emotions.
– John Bradshaw
How context and body language can affect the meaning of vocalizations
For clues about what your cat is saying, consider the context. For example: what’s happening, their body language, and even the time of day.
Understanding your cat’s vocalizations is a bit like putting together a puzzle. It’s not just about the sound itself, but also about when and how your cat uses it.
Paying attention to these details will probably reveal patterns, and can help you better understand and respond to your cat’s needs.
Body Language: The Silent Signals of Feline Communication
Cats express a lot of nonvocal information. From the tips of their whiskers to the twitch of their tails, every part of a cat can communicate a variety of messages.
Keep in mind that these signals can vary from one cat to another, and much of it depends on the cat’s socialization history and temperament.
Meanings of tail movements and positions
A cat’s tail is like a mood barometer:
- A high, straight-up tail usually signals confidence and contentment.
- A puffed-up tail indicates fear or aggression.
- A tail that’s flicking back and forth? That’s often a sign of irritation or impatience, but also happens during bouts of concentration.
- If your cat’s tail is wrapped around your leg, it’s like a little hug – a sign of affection.
Ear positions and what they convey
Cats’ ears are incredibly expressive, too.
- Ears pricked forward show interest or curiosity.
- Ears flattened back against the head are a clear warning that your cat is scared or annoyed.
- If the ears are swiveling like satellite dishes, your cat is listening intently, perhaps trying to pick up on any potential threats or prey opportunities. This also helps a cat quickly locate and pinpoint sounds spatially.
Eye contact and blinking as forms of communication
The eyes are the window to the soul, and this is true for cats as well.
A slow blink from your cat can be a sign of trust and affection, often referred to as a “cat kiss.” Direct and prolonged eye contact, on the other hand, can sometimes be interpreted as a challenge or threat in the feline world.
It really depends on each cat’s personality and upbringing. For example, my sister’s cat won’t tolerate extended eye contact pretty much with any other human but her, and he will smack you in the face to let you know he doesn’t like it!
My cats, on the other hand, seem to seek eye contact and have never shown such defensiveness or aggression, though they may seek distance from someone they don’t know.
Scent Marking: The Invisible Messages
Cats communicate in ways that go beyond what we can see or hear, and scent marking is a prime example. They have an incredible sense of smell and use it to leave messages for themselves and other cats.
How cats use scent to communicate
Cats have scent glands in their cheeks, paws, and at the base of their tails. When they rub against furniture—or your leg—they’re marking their territory with a scent that says “I was here” or “This is mine.”
Scratching is another way cats mark their turf. Even if it doesn’t leave a visual mark, it deposits scent from glands in their paws.
Common objects and areas cats may scent-mark
Cats often choose prominent objects and areas to leave their scent. This can include doorways, the corners of furniture, and even your bed. By marking these areas, they’re creating a familiar and comforting scent profile in their environment, which can make them feel more secure.
Much to my chagrin, there is a neighborhood cat that marks my house and yard by spraying urine, probably because he detects my cats inside and wants to stake out what he thinks is his territory.
The role of pheromones in feline communication
Pheromones are chemical signals that all cats understand. They’re used to communicate a variety of messages, such as marking territory, signaling reproductive status, and even calming themselves and other cats.
Synthetic pheromones, like those found in certain diffusers and sprays, can mimic these natural scents and may help reduce stress in multi-cat households or during environmental changes.
The research on the use of synthetic pheromones is still young, but many people (including my own vet!) swear by them for stress reduction purposes.
Touch: Affection and Social Bonds
Depending on temperament and early socialization history, physical contact can play a huge role in how cats bond with their fellow feline friends and their human families.
Head-butting, kneading, and other forms of tactile communication
Head-butting, or bunting, is when your cat lovingly presses their head against you. It’s not just a way to show affection; they’re also probably marking you with the scent glands located on their cheeks, claiming you as part of their family.
Some cats are heavy head-butters. For example, when my cat Bean is in affection mode, she walks around me in circles, giving a firm headbutt with each passing. She’s even knocked a mug out of my hand, so I have to be careful!
Kneading, or making biscuits, is another endearing cat behavior where a cat will curl the front paws in alternating fashion. It’s reminiscent of their kitten days when they would knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow.
When your cat kneads you, it’s a sign they’re feeling relaxed and content. That’s why this behavior often appears in tandem with purring!
You may also notice your cat kneading certain textures. For example, Gandalf will knead most ultra-soft fabrics like sheepskin rugs and fleece.
All three of my cats actually knead the air when they’re being held while getting cheek rubs.
How cats use touch to establish social hierarchies and bonds
Touch isn’t just for showing affection; it also helps establish social hierarchies within a group of cats. You might notice one cat grooming another, which is a sign of trust and a way of reinforcing social bonds.
It’s also a way for cats to show dominance in a gentle, nurturing manner. I see this played out among my cats – Phoebe definitely uses grooming on her siblings as a reminder of who’s in charge.
Understanding and respecting a cat’s personal space
If your cat walks away or seems uncomfortable with being petted, it’s their way of saying they need some space. Tail flicking or ear flattening are clear signs of objection.
In contrast, if your cat continues to initiate affectionate contact after you’ve stopped it, it’s usually a sign that they like it and want more.
Always let your cat take the lead and dictate the terms when it comes to physical contact. This will strengthen your bond and trust your cat has in you.
Try not to force things or prevent your cat from separating from you – if you do, your cat is likely to grow less trusting and affectionate with you.
Facial Expressions: Reading a Cat’s Face
Cats may not be as overtly expressive as dogs, but if you pay close attention, you’ll notice their faces can tell you a whole lot about what’s going on in their furry noggins.
The significance of whisker position and movement
Whiskers are a key part of how cats sense the world and express themselves.
When a cat’s whiskers are pushed forward, it often means they’re curious and interested in what’s in front of them.
A good way to see this in action is during prey play with your cat. If you do quick starts and stops with a toy (or your hand under a blanket), the whiskers actually spring forward as they act as a precise prey location mechanism.
If the whiskers are pinned back against the face, it can be a sign of fear or aggression. But the whiskers can also look like this when a cat is completely relaxed, so consider the context when interpreting whisker position!
Facial cues that indicate mood or intention
Cats have a range of facial expressions that can give us a glimpse into their emotional state. A relaxed face with half-closed eyes and a soft gaze is a cat at ease.
In contrast, if a cat’s eyes are wide open and their pupils are dilated, this is a sign of high alert. They might be feeling threatened or just playful, depending on the context.
Challenges in interpreting feline facial expressions
Interpreting cat facial expressions can be tricky because the changes are often subtle. Unlike humans, who have a wide range of facial muscles to express emotions, cats have fewer muscles, leading to more nuanced expressions.
It takes time and observation to get to know your cat’s particular facial language.
Over time, you’ll recognize patterns based on the situation. Let the context and other signs of communication (vocalizations, body language) help guide you.
The Role of Age and Socialization in Feline Communication
Just like people, cats change the way they communicate as they grow from playful kittens into dignified adults and, eventually, into wise old seniors. Socialization plays a huge part in shaping how well they interact with others throughout their lives.
Let’s look at how age and social experiences influence cat communication.
How kittens learn to communicate with their littermates and humans
Kittens start learning the ropes of communication early on, mainly through play with their littermates and mom. This is why it’s important to wait until at least 10-12 weeks to separate kittens from their litter.
In these formative weeks, they learn the dos and don’ts of cat etiquette, like how hard to bite without hurting, or what a flick of the tail means.
Socialization with humans is also critical during the first couple of months, a period considered crucial for kittens to become comfortable around people.
The impact of early socialization
Positive interactions during the socialization window can lead to a cat that’s more sociable, confident, cuddly, and communicative.
On the other hand, a lack of early socialization can result in a cat that’s more fearful or aggressive, or at least on the more standoffish end of the continuum. They can absolutely still make great pets though, and can still respond to skilled training and socialization efforts.
Differences in communication styles between kittens, adults, and senior cats
Kittens are often more vocal and active in their communication because they’re learning and exploring everything for the first time. They learn by experiencing and have poor judgment, so they get into everything!
Adult cats tend to be a bit more reserved, using a combination of vocalizations and body language that’s been refined through experience. They know more about what to expect day to day and have learned what behaviors work to get them what they want.
Senior cats may communicate less as they slow down with age, and they may develop new ways of communicating their needs, especially if they start experiencing age-related issues like arthritis or vision loss.
Being tuned into communications during this stage can make a huge difference in your cat’s wellbeing.
It’s never too late to work on training and socialization – cats can learn and adapt at any age, although it might take a bit more patience when the behavior you’re trying to change is longstanding.
Last Meows
Well, there you have it, the ins and outs of feline communication. We hope you’re able to take something away from this information and apply it to how you interact with your furry beast.