What You Should Know Before You Commit to Getting a Cat
Thinking about getting a cat? There’s a lot to consider in order to make an informed decision. The articles on this page will guide you.

Are You Ready to Have a Cat? Take the Quiz and See
Is this the right time for you to get a cat? Answer these yes or no questions and find out how ready you are for the responsibilities. Some are deal breakers, and some may require you to work a few things out before getting a cat.

How Much Does it Cost to Have a Cat?
This article breaks down both the up-front cost of getting a cat, and the ongoing monthly and annual budget you’ll need. Can you afford having a cat?
The Pros and Cons of Having a Cat
Cat companionship comes with a great many pleasures. Because well, cats are wonderful and fascinating creatures and make great pets.
But daily life with a cat also has plenty of downsides that are inevitably part of the package.
This pair of articles will help you get a sense of what you’re in for if you should decide to get a feline fuzzbutt of your own. Will you start with the good, or the bad?

How Much of a Time Commitment is Having a Cat?
Cats are lower maintenance in many ways compared to dogs. But they’re still a lot of work. This article breaks down how much time it takes daily and weekly for each aspect of responsible cat ownership.