Cats’ Basic Needs & Instincts – What Every Cat Owner Should Know
If you want to give your cat the best life possible, it’s really important to have a solid understanding of the basic needs and instincts of cats as pets.
It will help you provide an optimal environment, from furniture, to food, to how you interact with your furry beast. And when you optimize your home for your cat, you also greatly reduce unwanted behaviors in the process.
This article provides an overview of the basics of cat needs, and how to satisfy them appropriately.
The Need for Security
Why cats need a secure environment
Cats aren’t just being finicky when they seek out a quiet spot; they’re wired to find a secure place to rest and recharge. A sense of safety is fundamental to their well-being.
Tips for creating a safe space in your home
Start by observing where your cat naturally gravitates to for their naps. That’s their chosen safe spot. Enhance it with a comfy cat bed or a blanket with your scent for an extra layer of security.
If you’ve got space, a dedicated cat room with their toys, bed, and litter box can be a haven within your home.
The role of hiding spots and vertical spaces
Cats need to climb and observe their domain from a high vantage point. It makes them feel in control and safe. It’s an important element of both hunting for prey and surveying for potential dangers.
Invest in a sturdy cat tree or clear some space on a bookshelf. And don’t forget about hiding spots! It doesn’t have to be expensive – a well placed cardboard box or old basket can suffice.

The Hunting Instinct
Insight into the cat’s natural hunting behaviors
In the wild, cats hunt to survive, and this instinct is alive and well in your domestic pal. They have an innate drive to stalk, pounce, and capture.
Recognizing this need and providing outlets for it is key to a satisfied and happy housecat.
How to simulate hunting experiences with play
Interactive playtime is the best way to mimic the hunt. Use toys that require your cat to prowl, chase, pounce, and grab.
This not only entertains them but also keeps their hunting skills sharp and their bodies fit. Try to “prey play” with your cat for at least 10 minutes twice per day.
Also, don’t give up too soon if your cat doesn’t seem interested in playing at first. Some cats like to observe for a long time before they engage and go in for the attack.
Recommended toys and games that satisfy the hunting instinct
There’s a toy for every type of hunter, from stuffed mice to feather wands that flutter through the air.
Rotate toys to keep your cat intrigued and engaged. This is something I often forget to do, but it makes a difference! It can also help to renew interest in an old toy by rolling it in catnip.
And remember to let your cat “win” at regular intervals. You want your cat to feel successful when they play with you – otherwise, they may get frustrated and lose interest.
This is why we don’t recommend laser pointers for play – it’s literally impossible for a cat to ever catch what they’re chasing.
Finally, be sure to read about the toy you’re using. Some toys are not safe for your cat to use without your supervision. For example, if I leave a feather wand out, Gandalf will eat all the feathers within a couple of minutes. It’s like he’s possessed when it comes to feather toys!
Here’s how to simulate hunting for your cat.
The Importance of Territory
Understanding feline territoriality
Cats have a strong sense of territory. When a cat rubs against you or furniture, they’re marking their territory with scent glands on their body.
Multi-cat households
When you have more than one cat, it’s vital to create an environment where all can coexist peacefully. Ensure each cat has their own food and water bowls, litter boxes, and hangout spots.
Introduce new cats slowly, using separate areas at first that prevent interaction and eye contact. As you progress, supervise interactions until you’re sure they’ve settled their boundaries.
The Need to Scratch
Why cats scratch, and the benefits of scratching
Scratching is more than a way for cats to sharpen their claws; it maintains paw health and stretches muscles. It also allows them to mark their territory visually and with scent.
Cats have an innate need to scratch surfaces every day. Understanding this can prevent a lot of frustration, not to mention damaged furniture.
Providing appropriate scratching outlets
To save your furniture, offer a variety of scratching posts and materials. Some cats prefer vertical posts; others like horizontal surfaces. Mine love both.
Materials can range from cardboard to sisal to carpet. Observe your cat’s preferences and place the scratching posts near their favorite hangout spots and near furniture that might be tempting.
How to discourage unwanted scratching behavior
The best defense is a good offense. Here’s the playbook:
- Strategically place scratchers and scratching posts around your home. Near furniture and close to your cat’s favorite hangouts.
- Use positive reinforcement. Praise your cat immediately whenever you see them scratching the right thing (verbally and/or with physical affection or even treats)
- Ignore unwanted scratching when possible – even negative attention can reinforce the behavior
- Redirect unwanted scratching to the right place. Gently guide your cat to a scratcher and encourage them to scratch it. You can even demonstrate by first scratching it yourself.
- Get furniture cats are less likely to scratch. The best materials are microfibers or leather/faux-leather
- Never scold, punish, or spray your cat. This won’t make them less likely to scratch the wrong thing in the future, but it will damage your bond because it teaches them that sometimes you can be unsafe to be around.
- Keep a mealtime schedule and be consistent. If your cat knows that scratching the sofa gets your attention, then sofa scratching will happen as a way to remind you that it’s past dinner time.
Whenever I see my cats scratching a scratcher, I give them lots of verbal praise (e.g., “ooh, such good scratching!”) and give them a scratch on the back or cheek.
Basics of a balanced feline diet
Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need a diet rich in animal proteins. A balanced diet supports their health, coat, and energy levels. Whether you choose wet, dry, or a combination of both, ensure it meets their nutritional needs as advised by your vet.
Feeding routines and portion control
Consistent feeding times help regulate your cat’s digestion and energy. Measure portions to maintain a healthy weight; overfeeding can lead to obesity and health issues.
If you’re unsure about the right amount, your vet can provide guidance based on your cat’s size, age, and activity level.
Impact of diet on a cat’s health and energy levels
A good diet does wonders for your cat’s overall well-being. It can improve their coat, boost their immune system, and even affect their mood.
Keep an eye on how different foods affect your cat, and don’t hesitate to discuss changes with your vet if you notice any health concerns.
The Litter Box
The significance of a clean, accessible litter box
A clean litter box is crucial for cats’ hygiene and happiness. It should be easily accessible and in a quiet location where they won’t be disturbed.
Tips for ideal litter box maintenance
Try to scoop the litter box at least once a day and change the litter regularly to keep odors in check. I’ll admit, I struggle to keep up with it that frequently. But letting the box get too dirty invites problems.
Consider the type of litter your cat prefers – some like fine-grained clumping litter, while others prefer larger, non-clumping types. And always have one more litter box than the number of cats in your home to prevent any bathroom traffic jams.
Solving common litter box problems
If your cat starts avoiding the litter box, it’s a sign something’s not right. It could be as simple as the box being too dirty or as complex as a health issue.
Pay attention to their habits and consult your vet if you can’t pinpoint the problem. Sometimes, the solution is as simple as trying a different type of litter or box.
Some cats require litter box training when they’re introduced to a new home or setup.
The Need for Companionship and Affection
How cats display affection and bond with their humans
Cats form strong bonds with their humans. They show affection in various ways: head-butting, purring, or curling up on your lap. Recognize these signs and reciprocate to strengthen your bond.
The balance between attention and respecting your cat’s independence
While cats enjoy companionship, they also value their alone time. Learn to read your cat’s signals for when they want attention and when they’d prefer to be left alone.
Offering affection when they seek it and space when they need it will keep the relationship on your cat’s terms, which is just how they like it.
Recognizing signs of stress and loneliness
Cats can get lonely, especially if they’re left alone frequently. Signs of stress or loneliness might include excessive meowing, changes in eating habits, or destructive behavior.
Combat loneliness by providing interactive toys, consider adopting a second cat, or simply make sure to spend quality time together when you’re home. Remember that goal for two daily play sessions.
Regular Veterinary Care
Preventative health measures and vet visits
Regular vet check-ups are crucial for maintaining your cat’s health. These visits are the first line of defense against diseases and can help catch issues early. Keep up with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and annual check-ups to ensure your furry friend stays healthy.
Vaccinations, parasite control, and common health checks
Vaccinations protect your cat from common diseases, while parasite control prevents pesky invaders like fleas, ticks, and worms.
During check-ups, vets will look at your cat’s teeth, coat, and body condition to spot any potential health issues. They’ll also answer any questions you have about your cat’s health or behavior.
Spaying/neutering in behavior and health
Spaying or neutering your cat has numerous benefits, including reducing the risk of certain cancers and unwanted behaviors like spraying. It also helps control the pet population.
Talk to your vet about the best time to spay or neuter your cat, as it can vary depending on their health and lifestyle. Here’s how to choose a vet.
Last Meows
Optimizing your home to meet your cat’s basic needs and instincts makes you a responsible owner. By doing so, you’re enriching your cat’s life and deepening the bond you share.